Found this interesting pic on google. No idea wats that. But nice. So put here lor. Exams coming too soon! Damn scared. Next week! Less than 5 days! Dun wanna study lar! But do I have a choice? Haiz. Dun wanna think bout it le. Have to study, but was and am slacking. Will be studying physics. My physics is damn lousy can.
Math test got back liao. Was shocked. Yea. Expected to get ok marks but... FULL MARKS sia. Lol. Please dun think I show off kays. I just over-hyper. Yea. Hahaha. But this test quite ok. Based on Mr Lee. Yea. So quite a number got full marks. Yea.
At least I got an A1 for maths ca1. Improvement. Yea. Last year oso A1, but improved. 83/100. Better than last year. I put in effort kay? But cnt see rite? Slack slack slack. Yea. Especially when exams is so damn freaking near?! Yea.
The hcl still having oral now. I think. Zero ppl online. Is either still in sch or studying. But I think they still in sch bah. Need to call Sarah/ Daphne to ask sth. Maybe calling 15 min later.
Need to study NOW. But really dun feel like it. As if I will feel like studying! Lol.
Haha. Today last ats lesson le. Quite happy, n sad. Happy cuz, I never liked it. Dun take it to heart kays? Sad cuz, hope won't be taken over by sth worse, like studying! Yea. Hope is like drama or sth nice. :) Drama is nice. I like Ms Rebecca. She is so chio, unique fashion taste and funny! Haha.
I said I need to study right?! But still so long post. I know my life is boring. Yea. Then why bother reading in the first place. This blog is for me to vent anger, share good news, and I think mostly to complain. Yea. So I guess you find it boring. After posting, I feel 'free' I guess. Cuz is like you tell someone bout yr troubles, kinda stuff. But is not somebody, is everybody. Yea. blog wat.
I think I better study le. Bye. And calling them later. Bye. And thanks for reading? Lol.
Sry. No pic today. Now feeling very... dunno how to describe. A feeling of anger, confusion, mostly anger. Just now had gz syf and we got gold with honours. Yea. Good. But dunno why now not happy at all. Just now, my mum was nagging blah blah. Then she kinda forgive me, for what I will not say. Too angry. Not my fault but have to get scolded. Yea. so she 'forgive' me then when I say I dunno how to do math (asked her on Sunday now still never bother to help) she sounded very... Means she is angry with me for sth then act blur. Then I say: exam coming liao still give me that kind of... Dunno wat's the prob with you. Then she say she just primary sch standard. Dunno wats her fcuking prob lah! Wth!
Chinese oral this fri, she still give this kind of attitude. Not the time to be angry for petty reasons lor. So childish. Which mother will do this?! Come back from syf so tired and just wanna rest a while then come back le then nag here scold there.
I really dun wanna be at home le. Sometimes, I wish I can stay in school. But if like that then my studies no hope le. Have to endure this house for the sake of my studies. Argh! My head so pain cuz of the anger! Wth! So many projects! This thurs have to present pw le, but haven't even memorise la.
Tmr most likely have bio presentation but just finished script and didn't even rehearse. Dun care. This thurs most likely oso have history presentation. Oso haven't rehearse. At all. Fcuk. Then exams damn near. Damn freaking stress. I just wanna sleep all day long without worrying bout the hw, tests, exams and projects.
How I wish life is free of worries and studies. But that life is just a dream that is totally impossible, unless you dun wanna live anymore. Yea. So is as good as impossible.
Blogging here, hoping can relieve stress. Working a little, but it does not stop the studies. I dun give a damn. I dun care! But I have no choice...

This is just a random pic I took a few days ago. Of the sky obviously. Lol. Yea. A lot of homework sia. Sian. Very boring. Supposed to do compre now but blogging here and chatting with __. Haha. Lol. Yea. I finished Twilight! Yay. Very nice. Jasmine oso finished Digital fortress. On mon, she lending me New Moon then I lend her Da Vinci Code. Yea.
Nothing much. Next tues is gz syf le. Missing pw presentation. Dunno how. Asking teacher on mon. Yea. Must memorise the whole script! Haiz. Today saturday liao. So fast. So many hw. Exams coming very very soon. Not prepared. Die. This year damn important. Streaming year. Yea. Must work hard. So going to do hw now. After blogging. Yea. So bye.

Today is Good Friday, so is holiday! Yay. But got quite a number of hw. Tmr still have to go back to sch for gz syf rehearsal. I'm supposed to help to carry stuff. Yea. Not that I'm complaining. 11.20 in the morning. Must have lunch first. At least I have finished the hw. But no the projects. Yea.
Today woke up at 10am! Really sleepy. So now not tired. Yea. Went to Junction 8 for lunch. Then bought new bag. For school. Converse. White. I love it. Similar to the old bag but nicer. Much nicer. Yea. The only interesting part of today.
Now discussing Bio and History project. Daphne went out, so need to let her do sth. The projects are very boring. Yea.
Prac 2.4 today. But not really successful. Went to my house's gym (really small, only got 3 machines). Ran for less than a km then tired like siao le. I think the thing not accurate lor. Seemed so far le. 10 min leh. Then I never run le. So tired. Lucky the gym have air-con or else damn hot lor. But it was still a little hot. Dunno if can survive the 2.4. hope to pass.
So bored.
Reading Digital Fortress by Dan Brown. It is so damn nice! Must read. Read half le. In 3 days? I think bout there. Very exciting. Dan Brown books are nice. Have all 4 books but still haven't read Angels And Demons. The movie coming soon but haven't read. The book I have is the big type. My father lor. Buy the type with pic then super big and heavy. So dun feel like reading. But parents say nicest book. So maybe reading during June holi.
I wanna borrow the Twilight series from Jasmine! I still haven't read that. So slow right? She say she will lend me. Maybe ask her after finished Digital Fortress. Yea.
Nothing much le. So bye.

Today is boring. Nothing much. Normal school day. Study study, talk talk. Yea. Boring. For art, we're supposed to do a self- potrait. Like what the hell. Yea. I cnt even draw a simple thing or drawing. Then ask me draw myself?! That's totally a fail for me. I will surely draw a girl (if I can) that does not even look like me. Yea. If I can.
Then for d and t have to shade some pics. Boring. I'm bad at art and now d and t becomes art. So as bad. Yea. Then now the internet in my room is totally zero. So using my sis's study area now. Damn hot. No air con. Rather be in my room. But in my room no internet. Out of so many places, why must be my room dun have?! So angry. Then cnt slack too much. Later my mum come then I die. So cnt post too long. Anyway nothing much to say so will be short.
Anyway, just noticed that today is my 3rd year in this house. Yay. Lol. So is the 2nd anniversary? Sorta. Yea. Nothing liaoz. So bye.