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Friday, May 22, 2009

Interesting pic. So long nv post le. Never really used com aft exams. Played psp:) Nothing much to say. Very disappointed with my results. I know wat u're thinking. "Your own fault never study" I did. But mayb not enough. Haiz. Sian. Have to do art. Very super boring. Dun wanna post anymore le.

writtern @6:01 PM

Thursday, May 14, 2009

OMG! Exams over liao! Yay! But only for a few weeks then stress again. But better than nothing rite? Yea. Today so fun! After exam, went to AMK hub with Jasmine n Grace. We play till 5.30pm sia! Dunno why so long. From 10.50 to 5.30! Woah. Yea. Watched Angels and Demons. Should be rated NC16 la! So gruesome the murders. I closed my eyes most of time cuz of the bloody scenes lor. Haha. Thanks a lot Grace for telling me wat happened in the movie. Hehe.
One damn funny thing lor. Jasmine screamed in the cinema! Hahaahaha. So pai sei lor. Haha.
Then we took neoprints. So fun. Maybe Jasmine posting in her blog:) I lazy. Haha. Tmr sian. CCM camp! Wth. Boring. Yea.
Going to play le. Haha. Bye. Dun wanna post. Waste time:D Bye.

writtern @8:18 PM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Yea. That's wat I'm thinking of now. Today Chinese listening very difficult la. Almost all the options so similar. Scared fail la. Pls dun. My Chinese very lousy le. Obvious rite? Never mind. Tmr I'm totally looking forward to it. Not bcuz of the DandT exam(duh!), bcuz it's the last day of exams!!! And tmr going out with Grace and Jasmine to AMK hub to watch Angels and Demons!!! Yay!!! 1.30pm it start. But exam 9am finish le. So long. But later we plan then found out maybe not enough time. Haha.
We take bus there bout 20-30min le.(Based on Grace, can trust de) Then must change out of uni. Cuz we going arcade then cnt wear sch u. Yea. Dunno wat to wear!! Most likely jeans, but the top?! Later maybe calling Jasmine or Grace ask her. But Jasmine no jeans!
So most likely calling Grace. Yea. A lot more things but not saying:) Why must I tell you so much? Yea. Planning to NOT study for tmr exam. Just read a bit jiu ke yi le. Yea. Now blogging. Was making a beaded ball. But very frustrating yea?! Make a lot le then found out bead too small! Wth?! Later gonna try to stuff the string in. I dun care. Must go in! Or else must take everything out n start all over again wif another bead size. But I like that bead!
Later try la. Sld I tell her bout tat? (my secret:D) She is my good fren yea. So maybe if I remember tmr then ask Jasmine if tell her or not then see how 1st. Yea. Talking to myself here. Sry. Anyway, this is my blog. So wateva I wanna say I say, u hv no rights to lecture me. Yea.
And PLS, use yr name ok? If u wanna tag. But pls tag with yr own name. Yr parents gave u that name, so be proud of it. Yea, wateva. Talking crap here.
Nothing much le. So bye.

writtern @10:09 AM

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Long time never post le. Cuz need study for math exam today. Yesterday was holi, cuz sat vesak day, so in lieu lor. But just study and study for math. Okok, not really. Sat have mph sale. So went at bout 10am. Told Jasmine then she ask me buy for her Angels and Demons. Bought for her, at $10. Shop at expo for mph sale for bout 1.5h. Quite long, but cuz they never arrange the books in any order, so had to choose 1 by 1 lor.
Took very long but only found 4 books for myself: Shopaholic and Baby (Finished on mon!), Shopaholic goes abroad, Devil wears Prada n Everyone worth knowing (in 1 book, currently reading) and Book thief (looked nice so buy lor). Quite cheap. Next sale bout Nov that period. Yea.
Today Math exam. Quite hard. Nothing much to say bout that. Tmr is Chinese listening. Sian. The timing, 8am to 8.30am. Crazy rite?! Go to sch for so short time then go home le. Never mind. Anyway, chinese listening cnt learn de, so today can slack!!!
But my mum later testing me a few listening. D and T learning tmr. Nothing much to learn, so today is slack day!! Yay!!!!
Over the weekends made a beaded Chihuahua. If you dun know (you must be joking), Chihuahua is a cute dog. Like duh. Ok, never mind. Made it, i love it. But didn't take pic of it. Lazy mah. Haha. If wanna see, it's on my pencil case. Too bad lor. Haha. Jk. Next time I free, I post pic. Hehehe.
So just now, made a beaded heart. Blue n purple. Nice. Oso never take pic. Haha. Next time bah. (If I remember). Hahahahha. Wth. I so lame. Haha. Never mind. Now, making a beaded handbag. Halfway through. So continuing aft blogging. So make it short. Oh yea. Oso made a cube. Beaded. So that's my hobby:)
Woah. So many ppl so guai. All studying?! Study wat? Nothing lor. Only 3 ppl. Haiz. Sian. So long never talk to him le. Mayb aft exam lor. Dunno. Hope so. Dun wanna say too much ;)
So anyway, good luck for the last 2 papers! Then it's all over. Maybe not. Anyway, u know wat I mean. Haha. Bye.

writtern @1:25 PM

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Saw this quite ok nice pic so post lor. Today was science exam. Damn hard lor. Scared will fail. Fail then die liao. Everyone oso say difficult, so must be super hard. Yea. Tmr literature. Not as stress as the other papers but still hard. My lit sucks. Quite. Must read Animal Farm and the merlion poem. The merlion poem I dun understand lor. Must read more times. But now chatting online n blogging. So how to study? Haha. Lol.
So next thurs confirm going amk hub watch angels and demons movie with Jasmine and Grace. Yay! Looking forward. Last day of exams. Must study hard for the exams 1st. But am I? Lol. Haha. I WILL. But later lah. Blog 1st then chat 1st then eat then study lor. Haha. I am studying lar. Reading the poem lor. Chem lor.
Why must poem vocab so hard? Make me try to figure out wat the hell they talking. Haiz. Sian. Animal Farm easier n more interesting but so long. And thick. For a lit book. Lol. Not really actually. 100 pgs long. About.
The ending not nice lor. Say the piggy with humans blah blah. Read dunno how many times le. But mostly forget le. Haha. So must read again. Later.
Ok. I very guai lah. I stop blogging then read lor. So bye.

writtern @12:29 PM

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Today have chinese compo, letter writing AND paper 2. Damn hard. Maybe for me only bah. Letter writing normal lor. At least over le. Nothing I can do anymore rites? Just do better in other subjects lor. So 2 down, dunno how many more to go. Yea. Tmr history and English paper 2. Compre n summary. History I'm so dead. Yea. Teacher say till so confusing. I dun think have time to finish the whole thing. So just see which one more marks n easier then do lor.
Sian. Sorta studying history now. But blogging. Haha. Cnt keep studying rite? Ok, for those smart ppl, yea u cn. But no way for me. I cnt keep studying without getting distracted. Yea. Very distracted, cuz com rite in front of me. Anyway, must go smb. So shun bian blog a while lor. Haha.
Everybody so guai. Only 2 ppl online. So sad rite? Actually, blog almost everyday quite sian de. Now I know why so many ppl few days or even weeks then blog. At least got thing to say rite? Anyway, my life is that sian de. No matter how many days, oso not much diff de lor.
Oh yea. Forgot one damn freaking important thing!
Happy Birthday Grace!!!!
Cnt believe I totally forgot to post this on the first line. So sry Grace. Anyway, hope u like yr presents:) 14 years old liao. Haha. Envy her lor. So many presents. Poor me. Lol. Hahahaha.
Jasmine say maybe going out on the last day of exams to watch Angels And Demons movie. She say come out on the same day as our last day of exam which is next Fri. Totally lookin forward to that day. Hope can go out:)
She made me hook fingers with her. Haha. And I did. Say promise I'll go out with her. Anyway, aft exams must fang song de mah. Lol. Hope she wont make me break the promise. Haha.
Wow. Didn't notice I type so much le. Haha. I think I better stop slacking le. Later History die then I die. Touch wood. Haha.
Anyway, good luck for mye!!!! Bye.
What's the prob with this? The words overlapping rite? Or is it my com prob? Anyway, dunno wat happen lar. Just gd luck trying to read it.

writtern @3:49 PM

Sunday, May 3, 2009

'Stole' this pic from Kelline's blog skin. Haha. Very nice lor. Yea.
Exams starting from TMR! Omg! Omg! So scary. Tmr is english compo n situational writing. Should be ok bah. But I scared the report. Scared forget format. Or write wrongly. Never mind. Dun so nervous... yet. Lol. Tmr is ok. The day after then scary lor. Chinese. Yea.
Now slacking. Parents went out buy dinner. So can use com without them knowing:) Later will revise de lar. I very 'guai'. Haha.
He not online:( So long never chat le. Exams coming le. No choice. Yea. On fri, I finished Eclipse:D. Very nice. Yea. Tmr Jasmine lend me last book! Thanks again! Ily. Bought presents for them le:) Hope they like it... But haven't give. Haha.
Dunno what to say leh. Nothing much lar. Tmr must remember to bring thermometer! Never bring then die. Yea. Must remember. Yay. Assemble in class. Better than in parade square lar. Thousand times better. Dun need teacher scold. Dun need walk so much. Lol.
Really nothing le. Sian. Bye lor.

writtern @5:08 PM