Just got this photo of candies from internet then I used a free software from my hp to add the frame n butterfly n star:) Nice rite? Lol. So not really studying now:)
Back after a week? Finally Friday is here. And not a lot of hw. Had lit test n chem pop quiz today, Chinese test yesterday. Lit was tiring as usual (had to write a lot) n chem was ok? Chinese was really hard. Especially the ke wen kao ca part. But it's over rite?
Nyway, teachers' day celebration on monday n holi on tues:) But mon hv 2 lessons:( Boring. But at least is IT:D N chinese:( But better than others wat. Btw, I changed hp! :DDD Lol.
Today stayed back for dnt. Did quite a reasonable amount. Mayb stay back 1 more day enough. Next week hv another chem pop quiz. Sian. On wed.:( Wat hw are there? Wait I check. Kay, there are art (hv to complete the whole thing), chinese ws (hv to write alot), maths, physics mindmap, revise chem pop quiz n physics speed quiz. Ok, thats a lot. Better do them now. Later no time then die.
So bye.
writtern @5:57 PM
Added songs to blog, but I think bcuz of the skin that's why have to click "me" then can listen to the songs. Adding a few more now. The songs very nice:) Must listen. Lol. Picked a few songs from ppl's blogs:) Mix Chinese n English.
Quite happy, cuz today is Friday. Tmr no need go to school. But have a lot of homework. Sian. And have to prepare tests. Boring! Going to concentrate on studying now. And maybe oso listen to songs:) Heehee. So bye.
writtern @3:24 PM
Next week gonna be a very stressful week. Sian. 3 tests, n a pop quiz which will oso be counted in CA2. Can believe it?! 3 f*cking tests. And many many hw. Langart ATT. Chemistry hw, very difficult. Geo ppt must edit. Physics TYS must redo a lot. Must do mindmap. Chinese hw. It's possible to die, u know? Lol. Ppl always say teenagers suicide then talk talk talk, but it's all bcuz of the stress. But they nv do anything rite? But I wont la. Lol.
Better stop blogging yea? See the number of stuff to do up there? And plus 1 more thing. Must memorise a lot a lot of things for gz. Wtfffff. Bye.
Oh yeayea. Quote sth from hong lao shi. Ok, gonna translate. He said if a girlt a guy's hse downstairs then shout 'I love you' then is very wrong. Then oso hv if a girl write a letter to a guy saying she love him then is very wrong too.
Then someone said then we girls hv to wait forever for her partner rite? Lol. So true. So wat r we supposed to do?! Be a stupid lame person wait for the rest of her life. Lol.
writtern @4:41 PM
I love IT lessons now. :) Didn't dream that I'll like IT lessons ever in my life. Bcuz now we have our freedom to do anything we want (kay, not really), and is pair work. So much more fun. And and the tch is much better lor. Not as strict oso. And I found out actually C4D is not bad:) Lol.
Listening to ppl's blog songs. Sherye's blog songs r nice:) Vivien's too:) So far only listen to these 2. N I oso playing facebk:D Donuts. Nice. I love the donuts:) So beautiful, too bad I dun like to eat them. lol.
Today hv SL investiture. Was ok. The nicest part was when Jiahui DANCED! So nice:) The song oso not bad.
And oh yea, tmr have class photo taking. During recess:( Confirm eat up alot of time lor. Sian. Why like only a few ppl online? Hv hw?! But cnt think of any? Argh, dun care lar. Dunno wat to do now. Ok, I be a good girl and repost the things on facebk. 2:( lol
Takes up more time then expected. Better stop blogging:)
writtern @4:22 PM

Took this picture quite a long time back. Was in my mum's car after cca then have sunset then took some pictures. This is my favourite among the pictures. Not bad already, the car was moving. Heehee.Yesterday went to Ion. Very big. But a lot of branded shops like Louis Vuitton (Jiahui you better go there:D), Burberry, Miu Miu, Harry Wintson, and a lot a lot more. Is like jaw dropping. Especially the prices. Didn't really go inside. Just look outside the shops. There's one very interesting shop. Have a lot of wooden dolls and figurines. From North Germany, I think. The items are very detailed and very very nice. And expensive too. Saw one clock, quite big, manual (that type of old clocks), is $7000 plus! Like omg!Basement was cheaper shops like Uniqlo, Swensens, blah blah. And even have food court but quite ex too. So went to Swensens to eat. They have ice-cream n dessert buffet, and hv discount so ate tat. Quite ok la. Then hv face painting, balloons stuff. My sis had a heart shape balloon n she painted an ice-cream on her arm.
But was washed away after bathing. Am doing Langart ATT. Have to revise Chem. Will hv surprise pop quiz soon. But is like hv to memorise a lot of stuff. Haiz. And gz have to memorise a new song that I dun even know the tune?! Die le.
Better stop slacking and study!! But it's so damn boring. Heard from somewhere, sth like tat "Take life like it is only 1 month so live life to it's fullest." Kay, meaning's there. But studying so how to live life to it's fullest? Wasting time only. Boring!
Whatever. Who cares? Just study and slack. So maybe that's living life to it's fullest. Lol. Heck care.
writtern @1:25 PM
Back to blogging. Lol. Just read smb and our class won the SRR! Lol. Didn't expect. Haha. Quite a lot of hw this weekend. Yesterday had Maths test. Was quite hard. Argh. Homework. Plus gz. Wed gz tch was really angry. Made us stand n play then scold, nag. Blah blah. Then wanted us to go extra on thurs. Me, Kelline n Nerissa went:) Waited for Alison. See, we so guai. Lol.
(It is just a force of attraction, just temporary. I doubt it's chemistry. So we'll drift apart n fade away, separating. It is up to you to decide if it's physical or chemical. You can't just pretend that nothing has happened. You can't just walk away. You can just leave like tat n I can play along n act as though nothing happened. But you know how much that hurts. I really hope you do sth b4 it's too late... It hurts.)
writtern @5:41 PM
Happy birthday Singapore!!!
Yea. Today is National Day. And the good thing is that tmr is a public holiday! Yea, shout hurray. But not so fast. There's maths test this thurs. And the langart ATT. And appsc project. And the chinese letter writing? Ok, so far finished the analysis, chinese ATT, geo project and most of chinese. Langart ATT also done like half? Then appsc haven't received email so cnt do yet. Maths test haven't started revising! Maybe tmr.
Public/ sch holi= stay at home to revise n do hw
Yea. Yesterday had 'National Day celebration'. Neighbours. Hv catering. Then talk talk. Adults drink, cheers, talk, laugh. Children run, play, laugh blah blah. Me, go home slack. Yea. Today at 8.22pm have pledge taking. What the crap is tat. I not that patriotic. Will be at home. Sld be. Haha. See if ppl got take then mayb also lor. See how 1st. Lol.
Now doing a bit of the langart ATT and slacking. Wat's there to play on internet? Can recommend? It seems quite boring. So few ppl online today. Mayb revising or outside? Lala. Random:)
Facebk is really getting boring. Twitter too. Cnt tink of anywhere else. So far, yahoo ans. But that's boring. Mayb just look around. So bye.
writtern @2:33 PM
You thought time could fade my memories, but you were wrong. I still can remember every single thing you said to hurt me. You thought time could heal everything, but you were wrong. The wound may be gone but there always will be a scar.
Wearing a mask does not mean I have forgotten what you have done. It only means I should go on with life, but it still means that I remembered everything. You never know when have created a deep cut in me, but it is always there. Feigning innocence does not help, the cut is there. Know it or not, I am willing to wear that mask for you. Just to let you be the innocent and ignorant one. But I never minded that.
You never knew how much I have done for you. Nothing much, only that my heart is full of bandages. You tried to heal them, but all you did was cover them. The wound is still there. It's still bleeding, but I bandaged them myself but the scars are there. Once cut, never disappears.
Once I tried to ask you why did you hurt me, and you tried to explain but you changed the topic real quick. You never liked to face the raw truth. But, the truth is the truth.
And I forgave you one after another. I just let them past just like that. But do you even know how much that hurt? Do you know the scars still open sometimes? You were never there for me. I did everything by myself but they never worked. I just wore that mask whenever I needed to.
What a wonderful mask that is. But too bad it is only a mask. It only covers the truth. And makes me look on the bright side of life. I dun have only you. I still have my own friends and family. Life is not only just about you. I can just tear those bandages away to let them heal, but they will hurt.
But this is not the time. You said you will share with me your mask. But you never did it, so I'm here waiting for you and your mask. With my bandages and all...
writtern @4:51 PM
Just added song to my blog:) Obvious right. Duh. Lol. Love story by Taylor Swift. Dunno why cnt find the song on the blog. Just play by itself. Funny. Today is National celebration so released early. Actually say 11.30am in the end 11am released liao. Good. Was ok.
Got lots of hw. Langart poem analysis, chinese letter writing, chinese att (have to revise script), geo project (oso hv to see script), appsc project n maths test. A lot right? Doing langart poem analysis now. Maths test on thurs n must memorise all the formulae. If test the formula wrong, then have to write 200 times, thanks to Mr Lee.
National Day cnt celebrate. No time. Tats sch life. Yea. Especially in xms. N plus when yr addicted to yr com n u cnt leave it. Better stop blogging so much n do hw. So am blogging n doing hw. Taking turns.
And oh yea. Have Langart att. Must write a poem! Wtf. We're not poets excuse me. And included to dunno ca2 or sa2. Both equally bad. Any topic. Like that then dunno wat to write. No inspiration.
So sian. Dun feel like studying but no choice right? Unless wanna fail everything. :( Think stop blogging now. Better do hw. Or maybe play sth? Very moody now. Must have mood to study so going to find sth fun. Bye.
writtern @1:17 PM
Omg. Jasmine have fever, cough, flu n sore throat. She never go to sch today:( Take care. I went out with her yesterday! Lucky nv spread to me. Lol. Tmr have bio test. Sexual reproduction-_- So disgusting n ms wong teach till so... Dun wanna think bout the lessons. Lol.
Taylor Swift is nice nice nice:) I love the song "Love story" and "White horse". So nice:) Must go listen. The others oso not bad. Must listen. :)
Today IT, dun like it at all. I'm so slow at tech. Especially c4d. Hate it. Yea. Maths was quite slack. New topic bout dunno wat net thingy. Forget liao-_-. Lol. Dun care la. Anyway tmr no maths. Everybody so hardworking. Only Claire online:) Haha. Confirm studying bio lor. But I'm wasting time here blogging. Lol. Better stop this habit. Sian.
Dunno wat to talk bout. Sldnt everyday blog. Or else nothing to say. So bye. Next time then blog. :) Dunno cn or not. Lol. Must try rite? Haha. So bye 1st. B4 I cnt stop blogging. Lol. Bye now.
writtern @4:40 PM
Happy birthday Grandma n cousin:)
Yesterday was very surprising and I confusing. I guess. There's a first time for everything right? So I guess yesterday was the first time. I really hope I did not make any mistake and you were telling the truth. I hope we made the right choice. I really dunno what to do. I hope you will wait for me. But I really doubt so. I really think it will not work. But never mind. Just hope everything goes well. I hope you will keep your word and you really mean what you said to me.
Anyway, later gonna meet up with Jasmine:) To study bio. She's nice. Now trying to finish dnt project n geo project. But I dun think I can finish them. Only have less than an hour. If cnt finish then at night do lor. No choice. And now I blogging:( Wasting time. But I think I'm like getting addicted to blogging? Now more and more often blogging. I guess this helps me to relieve my problems? At least telling everything out helps. But not EVERYTHING. Yea lol.
So better start doing project now. Bye.
writtern @10:02 AM
Happy birthday JIAHUI!
Woke up in the morning then did hw but slacked more. Heehee. Then went to compass point to eat. Sis went library. Long long time. So me n mum went popular n bought Taylor Swift cd:) $11.90. Quite cheap. Discount mah. Mum paid:D Haven't really listen yet.
After that went Claire's hse to do chinese ATT. Her parents r nice:) We did for like for 1h45min. Cuz we talked alot:) But quite fast. Finished. Then went her room talk talk. Then came home n doing dnt project with grace on msn. Now. N blogging:) Later going Peach Garden eat to celebrate grandma's bdae. For tmr. Yay.
Then later wk sending me geo project to do:( Sian. But at least according to plan so far. Besides the slacking part.
Why is it that hard to forget somebody? I just hate it. Just make me forget you:(
Does everyone has a happy ending? Or a fairy tale? Wateva. I dun care bout it anymore. Trying very hard to forget bout all that stupid dreams. Concentrate on studying, reading books, chatting n not day dreaming bout that. Yea.
So bye.
writtern @4:34 PM