Omg, can u believe this is a painting?! When I saw it in a small version, I tot it was a photo. Lol. So damn gorgeous.
Anw, quite a long time since I posted. Was sort of busy and lazy to post xP Hehe.
Hmmm, anw, I just turned 14 ytd!! =DDDDD And thanks for all the bdae wishes!! =DDD So touched:) Haha, lol.
Anw, tmr gng badminton with friends at anchorvale sports hall. Looking forward! =DD But too bad cnt hv lunch with them cuz my sis hv gz lesson then timing not gd for my mum. D: So yea.
Boring boring boring. I totally dread gng back to sch next year. Studying, hais.
So must hv fun this holi. 13 more days!! =DDDDDD I cnt wait!! To overseas!! But oso gz exam. Hais.
Whatever, now just play and relax. WHATEVER. Nth much. Just bored. Yea, bye.

Yippee! Soo looking forward to 2.55pm!!
Haha, lol.
But too bad I cnt stay overnight:((
Hais, very short time at the chalet.
4+ to 9+, no time for great fun.
But still, there will surely be fun:DD
Boring, tmr gz. Practice for many hours:( BORING.
Oh yea, downloaded an app game.
A really cute dog game to look aft yr dog n hv career all those stuff.
Quite fun only that it requires wi-fi D:
So I cn only play at home. And a little laggy too.
Lol. Hmm, nth much.
So bye.. :D

Hi again. Okays..
kindd sherye told me the website where she found the gorgeous photos.
So yea, found several. Here's one of them.
Nice right? Yea, duh.
Tmr's the class chalet! =D
Looking forward to it.
Meeting at 2.45pm.
So late:(
Excited alr. Haha, lol.
Daphne said I getting my bdae present from them tmr!!
Yipeee!!! =D
Jiahui and Daphne chose it=D
They said I'll love it for sure,
I trust their taste=P
Haha, thanks anw!!
Ok.. playing restaurant city on facebk, finding beautiful photos and blogging.
Sort of busy. Haha.
But fun! At least not studying..
Haha, oh yea.
Ytd got my bdae present from my aunt.
A converse handbag:DD
White in colour some more. Haha.
Although a tinnie bit auntie-ish, but is the thought that counts right!
Haha, so I love it! Hehe.
nth much.
So byes! =D
Ok, in a dilemma now. Small one though.
Hmm, my sis has a facebk acc n wants to add me as her friend
cuz she wants to play with me at pet society.
Pros: My sis will be real gd to me n happy
She will help me in pet society (if she can, lol)
Cons: She will report everything at facebk to my mum
She will be 'spying' on everything I do on facebk.
For eg, when someone teases me on ahem yea, then she will confirm report then big trouble.
And the thing is, she is totally bugging me on this.
So, I really dunno if I sld accept her as my friend.
Hmm, make her promise?
I dun think she will keep her promise.
Yea, so dun accept?
She'll ask for reasons n bug me non-stop.
:( Dilemma.
Give me advice ok?