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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Haha, geog lesson suddenly makes me LOVE cliffs and beaches and the sea. Haha, coasts! WTF, it deleted my post cos of a stupid broken pic. I dun wan post alr lah.

writtern @5:00 PM

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Quite long nvr post alr, cos mon gz, ytd helped mummy do sth quite long then no time post alr. So today was ok..? Haha, anws, Eenie Meenie by Justin Bieber and Sean Kingston is damn nice:DD Like DAMN NICE, haha:D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fOGiOST3EE
Must listen yea? :DD Justin Bieber's voice in this song is really really beautiful, hahas, but Daphne and I love it. Haha.
Anw, I hvnt started studying at all cos I was eating ice cream, lollipop and f&n grape, haha, greedy me, hahas. Then used com a while then mummy help me cut fringe:) Haha, a bit fail LOL, but ok lah. Some parts damn weird, like so independent haha, but ok lah:)
Tmr gotta stay back aft sch for chem stuff with grace ng=.= Haha, but she's quite ok, smtimes lol.
Oops, I'm hungry:x And dinner's like an hr ltr:( Stomach growling alr:(
Anws, I'm looking to friday, haha dunno why. Cos I love pe? Haha, and it's like quite short day. Aft sch got yog meeting, then gz. Dreading gz:( Cos of endless love damn hard? But anw, sat is sports day:D Haha, I'm not running, obviously, but fun anw.
Omg, listening to eenie meenie, Justin Bieber's part for like the millionth time? Haha, his voice very very very nice lah! =DD And baby by Justin Bieber is really nice too:D
Haha, nth much le. So bye, and guess what? I'm listening to it again! =DD

writtern @5:57 PM

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hi peepo, haha, was studying maths, so reminded of Ms Junie Lim:DD "Ok? Can?" Haha, nvm, I'm being lame. Haha. Actually EM is nice:D Haha, but smt very lame=.= Haha. Evil market. Haha:D
Tmr's sch:( That was fast. And 2 tests to start the term:( Geog and a maths. Guess I'll flunk them? Haha, but still working hard yea. Haha, maybe not really, since I'm here, facebk n msn. Haha, but short post.
Bought Lady Gaga's album, quite nice actually:DD
Ok, busy now. So gtg, bye:)

writtern @2:16 PM

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Shedding tears for the one you love hurts the most
:( It's alr Thursday and hw are not completed. Tests not even touched. And here I am on blogger, facebk, youtube and msn. Wth. Ok, so short post. So it's not a gd holiday for me at all. All becos of this. Yea, nvm if u dun understand what I'm talking abt. That's the point. Whatever. So end of post. Bye.

writtern @3:00 PM

Sunday, March 14, 2010

:( Why was I so useless? I dun blame u for being mad at me. Although u said nvm, I know u're still really disappointed in me.
Anw, shine on fri was good:) Read abt in on Jiahui's blog, haha. I lazy type out la. Then ytd gz. Was quite ok. Tmr's chi oral n gz again. Stupid chi oral. Gotta reach sch at 7.40 leh:( So early. Then 2pm gz. Hais. Then the yog dunno when. I dun wanna think of the amount of hw and tests I hv. Just concentrate on 1. That is bio. So bye. Better study b4 I get distracted, again.

writtern @2:54 PM

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Macro > Objects">
Nice pic rite? I like the little droplet and the colour. Idk why, but it seems cute:) Haha, nvm. Anw, shine's tmr. But not really looking forward to it, idk why? No offense anw.
Today's chem lesson was quite fun. But Alina ok? :( Hope she's ok. Stupid boiling experiment. Splashed on her nose:( So ke lian.
Eng test was ok, I guess. Hope I can pass? Haha, but thx to the ppl:D *wink* then chinese, boring as usual. Bio was fun:D I love experiments. Haha. Dun hv to open bk then is fun:D Haha.
Tmr's physics test:( I dread this the most. Seriously. Like I dun really understand it and it's damn hard? And the tch is like anyhow teach. D: Better work hard today. Yea, so I must must stop slacking at 5.15pm. That's like 7min ltr.
So I stop blogging then hv time for other stuff. So bye. Blog tmr? Yea, I guess. Bye.

writtern @4:53 PM

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Random photo of Chillon. No idea of pic to post so saw my calender n posted this, lol. Decided to work hard but I guess it's hard to change yea? So ok, at 5.45 I better start studying. Anw, today chatted with Seryun and Grace during eng. Then talked abt Seryun's aunt's dress shop. And I realised I dun even hv a dress haha. So just now at facebk saw this ad. Blogshop. The dresses all very nice eh, but my mum dun allow to buy from blogshop. Say ltr is cheat money all those stuff. But this very nice leh.

Nice right? I know it's gorgeous. But on her. Looks really nice on the girl but ltr if buy le then not nice on me how? Yea, so only can admire the dress on internet. Haha. Or maybe some other time can try? Idk la, for now not buying. Oh yea, so during June holi, which is sooo long away, we most likely gng to Seryun's aunt's shop to shop:DD Haha, she dun even know where it is. So she must bring us there. Haha.
Nth much alr, maybe gng to look at other blogshops and facebk I guess. So bye.

writtern @5:25 PM

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hey, today's quite ok. For eng, Mazna didn't come so did grp work. Slacked, and sry Sakina and Fongxin:x for letting us copy yr ans:/ hehe. Then geo, new chap, coasts. Much more interesting than rivers. Nicer pictures and easier to understand, haha. Maths, I hate indices. But luckily it's over. Now logarithms. Very hard too, but a bit better. Recess had YOG meeting, only updated our personal info. Chem was FUN! =DD Experiments, with Ruyin! Fun fun:DD Bunsen burner's not that hard after all. Haha, had lots of fun during chem, for the 1st time. Haha. Then physics, practical. Boring, as usual.
Hmm, so that was for the sch stuff. Told Daphne abt ytd stuff. Felt a bit better:) So seriously, I really dun like T. Then during recess, I told Jinhui abt that too. And she told me secrets:) Yea, we're still close and hving hth talks:)
Internet really hv prob, and I hate it:( What's wrong seriously? Hey, I bought the thing to allow land line, and it's supposed to hv perfect internet speed. So what's this? Stupid technology, always creating trouble.
Haiz, damn sian. Lots of hw, tests and stuff to do:( Although next week is march holi, I think I'll be busier. YOG, gz, chi oral, hw and revise for tests. D:
And I hv to w8 for the internet then I can post this. And to do my hw. Arghhhh, what's wrong with the internet? :( So pissed off now. Thx to T and technology and hw and tests. Whatever. Leaving it here until internet's ok. Hey, the internet bar is full but why can't anything load. D: yea, and now, I'm outside my rm once again. D:

writtern @4:24 PM

Monday, March 8, 2010

So back from gz camp from fri to sunday. Was really fun but exhausting too. Extremely. But anw, thx to all the seniors who planned this:DD
Today had gz lesson, was ok. But felt like sleeping throughout the lessons, seriously. First time I was almost sleeping during maths lesson. Oh yea, ss test was bad. Eng essay was bad too. CE was quite slack. Did a ws then chatted with Daphne, Seryun and Valerie. LOLS, damn funny luh. Haha, Seryun ar, tsk tsk. Haha.
Assembly was fun, had a drama show from ppl from outside. Quite funny, abt being gd neighbours kind of stuff.
And, I seriously hate the way you act ok? Whenever you're with ppl u're not close, and the only person who will be nice to u is me, u pretend to act really close to me. Like a 'best friend'. Haha, and I was nice to you too. But I was really being nice, unlike u, only pretending. then when u're with ppl who we're close, u totally ignore me. Or even worse, insulting me. U think it's funny, laughing and all those, but I'm really hurt by the insults. I may just laugh them off, cos I dun want to seem petty. But inside, I feel like crying. I really wish you could just ignore me and I'll ignore u. But seriously, 不是冤家不聚头。I totally agree with this yanyu. But whatever, u may know that I feel hurt, but obviously, u dun care. Or maybe u enjoy insulting me. Whatever, I'll to ignore u. And yea, I'll continue laughing them off. It has been twice today. I really wish I'll not see u again. Seriously. I feel so damn happy when I'm not with u. And I know that my life would be so much happier without u.
So anw, supposed to be doing hw n chi att. But I'm not in the mood, feeling sad. So gna slack today. I feel like crying. Whatever, who cares anw? Bye.

writtern @8:25 PM

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hahas, quite pic rite? Seems to me like the girl wants to travel back in time, like everyone does.
So anw, back from seeing a penthouse condo at Oasis garden, near Bartley sec. Very nice, but quite far from sch:( But most likely buying:D But even if buy, earliest move in arnd august this year.
Anw, bio test TMR! D: Haven't even revised 1/4 of it, hw not doing today. Most likely tmr aft sch, b4 camp or sunday or monday chiong aft gz. Hais, I nvr plan properly and get distracted easily that's why like that. So only can blame myself:(
So, gonna be guai today:) After posting and facebking for 15min, I'll revise. I hope so. So bye and wish me luck for tmr! Thx:D

writtern @5:19 PM

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

:( Highlight's back, so in this mode, not much diff anw. So, got lots of hw plus upcoming tests plus gz camp this fri to sunday. And it's only march. Chinese oral coming too. And I'm here blogging. Wth. So short one then.
Oh yea, cute pic right? :) Haha, the dog so cute lah.
Ytd's gz lesson was slacky cos leaders got camp com meeting, so we prac ourselves n tch come in a few times teach a while. Then aft tat, we played gu xiang qing for fun:DD Haha, fun luh, ytd gz.
So chi test postpone to next wed, geo postpone to aft march holi. So this wk only bio test. Next week wed chi, thurs exposition essay test, n fri physics. Screw physics. Understand the basics only, so test confirm fail luh.
Gz camp so not possible to revise tests n dunno if hw can finish or not.
Anw, today was ok, besides chem. Chem quiz n was quite badly done. (discussed with daphne, hehe) I didn't really revise, so thx daphne:D Heehe, anw I oso dun like the chem tch.
Physics was ok..
Chi, grp discussion, so ok la, quite slack. Geo copying exercise lor, make us copy slides aft slides. Only copy blindly while talking to grace n daphne, haha. Then maths was as usual, ok:)
Daphne was so kind today, only once, but still:D Let me draw on her hand, hehe. But she oso got draw on mine, but obviously, I draw nicer. Haha, jk. Then talked abt egg tart, mg n k. *wink* Hehe, so overall, today was an ok day. LOLS, wats tat. Haha.
Omg, so long post, when I said SHORT. Lol, so better go now. Byes:)

writtern @4:52 PM