Friday, November 19, 2010

Omg, damn cute right? Th santa sort of thing, haha :D Anw, quite bored now, so here I am :P Lols. Erm, ytd went to bugis with daphne n grace! :DD Bugis shopping then watched harry potter :D Hmm, bought a gorgeous white hat n an anchor necklace! :DD Finally found a gorgeous anchor necklace <3!><
Shop until v tired then movie time le :D Harry potter quite nice, but a little scary >< And no ending de ): Must w8 for part 2 lor. Anw, had loads of fun with daphne n grace! <3
Eeeyeer, next monday got gz ): And grading next week, so soon D: D: Tiger pregnant somemore ): Monday tsb gng somemore, sian lah ): I still cnt play properly, die le lah ):
Hmm, nth much le, so bye (: